
Trade With Belarus

Imports from Belarus$94.4m
Exports to Belarus$10.9m
Imports from Belarus
Exports to Belarus
Source: United Nations

Top Imports from Belarus

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Fertilizers, mineral or chemical; potassic, potassium chloride$90.47m217.1mWeight in kilograms
Fertilizers; mineral or chemical, potassic$90.47m217.1mWeight in kilograms
Fertilizers; mineral or chemical, nitrogenous$1.16m3.8mWeight in kilograms
Fertilizers, mineral or chemical; nitrogenous, urea, whether or not in aqueous solution$1.16m3.8mWeight in kilograms
Plastics and articles thereof$871.66k
Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues$527.98k46.00kWeight in kilograms
Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes$527.98k
Casein$527.98k46.00kWeight in kilograms
Fertilizers; mineral or chemical, containing 2 or 3 of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium; other fertilisers; goods of chapter 31 in tablets or packages of gross weight not exceeding 10kg$496.84k2.0mWeight in kilograms

Top Exports to Belarus

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Trees and other plants, live; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage$7.73m
Flowers; cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared$7.72m967.04kWeight in kilograms
Flowers, cut; roses, flowers and buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh$4.56m491.98kWeight in kilograms
Fruit and nuts, edible; peel of citrus fruit or melons$2.54m
Flowers, cut; carnations, flowers and buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh$2.34m329.33kWeight in kilograms
Bananas, including plantains; fresh or dried$2.03m2.6mWeight in kilograms
Fruit, edible; bananas, other than plantains, fresh or dried$2.03m2.6mWeight in kilograms
Flowers, cut; flowers and buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh, other than roses, carnations, orchids, chrysanthemums or lillies$802.70k140.87kWeight in kilograms
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens; fresh or dried$412.40k166.68kWeight in kilograms
Fruit, edible; avocados, fresh or dried$411.40k166.60kWeight in kilograms
1 Not all goods in this category have a common measurement and therefore no measurement is reported.
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