
Agriculture Value Added

billion USD
Dec 66Dec 70Dec 74Dec 78Dec 82Dec 86Dec 90Dec 94Dec 98Dec 02Dec 06Dec 10Dec 15Dec 200.00015.0030.0045.0060.00
  • Mexico
  • Global Median
Source: IMF

Definition of Agriculture Value Added

Agriculture corresponds to International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) divisions 1-5, while the origin of value added is determined by the ISIC, revision 3. Agriculture value added is the net output of the agriculture sector, including forestry, hunting and fishing, and cultivation of crops and livestock production, after adding up all outputs and subtracting intermediate inputs. Deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets and depletion and degradation of natural resources are not included in the calculation. Values are in billion U.S. dollars.

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