
Trade With Spain

Imports from Spain$0.0
Exports to Spain$40.8m
Imports from Spain
Exports to Spain
Source: United Nations

Top Imports from Spain

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
No Data

Top Exports to Spain

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates$38.98m
Fish; frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304$38.45m20.1mWeight in kilograms
Fish; frozen, yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), excluding fillets, fish meat of 0304, and edible fish offal of subheadings 0303.91 to 0303.99$19.79m8.5mWeight in kilograms
Fish; frozen, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, excluding fillets, fish meat of 0304, and edible fish offal of subheadings 0303.91 to 0303.99$13.67m9.0mWeight in kilograms
Fish; frozen, bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus), excluding fillets, fish meat of 0304, and edible fish offal of subheadings 0303.91 to 0303.99$4.70m2.6mWeight in kilograms
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared animal fats; animal or vegetable waxes$1.24m
Fats and oils and their fractions of fish or marine mammals; whether or not refined, but not chemically modified$1.07m688.20kWeight in kilograms
Fats and oils and their fractions; of fish, (excluding liver-oils)$1.07m688.20kWeight in kilograms
Fish; fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304$523.86k32.81kWeight in kilograms
Fish; fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304$523.86k32.81kWeight in kilograms
1 Not all goods in this category have a common measurement and therefore no measurement is reported.
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