
Trade With Nigeria

Imports from Nigeria$0.0
Exports to Nigeria$128.35k
Imports from Nigeria
Exports to Nigeria
Source: United Nations

Top Imports from Nigeria

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
No Data

Top Exports to Nigeria

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather$125.59k
Raw hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals (fresh, salted, dried, limed, pickled, otherwise preserved but not tanned, parchment dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split$125.59k90.00kWeight in kilograms
Hides and skins; other than whole, but including butts, bends and bellies, of bovine (including. buffalo) and equine animals, fresh, salted or preserved, but not tanned, parchment dressed or further prepared, whether or not dehaired or split$125.59k90.00kWeight in kilograms
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers, parts and accessories of such articles$2.29k
Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data (including wired/wireless networks), excluding items of 8443, 8525, 8527, or 8528$2.29k74.00Weight in kilograms
Telephone sets and other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, via a wired or wireless network; parts$2.29k74.00Weight in kilograms
Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories$478.00
Orthopaedic appliances; including crutches, surgical belts and trusses; splints and other fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; hearing aids and other which are worn, carried or implanted in the body to compensate for a defect or disability$478.0035.00Weight in kilograms
Appliances; worn, carried or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability$478.0035.00Weight in kilograms
1 Not all goods in this category have a common measurement and therefore no measurement is reported.
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