Trinidad and Tobago

Trade With Jamaica

Imports from Jamaica$16.3m
Exports to Jamaica$0.0
Imports from Jamaica
Exports to Jamaica
Source: United Nations

Top Imports from Jamaica

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
Beverages, spirits and vinegar$4.52m
Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes, flavoured with plants or aromatic substances, in containers holding 2 litres or less$3.53m696.50kVolume in litres
Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes, flavoured with plants or aromatic substances$3.53m696.50kVolume in litres
Miscellaneous edible preparations$1.11m
Iron or steel articles$1.03m
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (excluding compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, capacity not exceeding 300l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated$1.02m662.40kWeight in kilograms
Products of the milling industry; malt, starches, inulin, wheat gluten$969.61k
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included$968.38k
Tanks, casks, drums, boxes and similar containers for any material (excluding compressed or liquefied gas) less than 50l capacity, n.e.c. in item no. 7310.2, of iron or steel$958.72k621.00kWeight in kilograms
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included$930.32k169.53kWeight in kilograms

Top Exports to Jamaica

Trade Value
Trade Quantity1
No Data
1 Not all goods in this category have a common measurement and therefore no measurement is reported.
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